A Review of The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible rom Tbilisi, Georgia
The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible
Reviewed by Luka Kakhidze, 29th Public School, Tbilisi, Georgia
Ken Schoolland;s book „The Adventures of Jonathan Galible“
really deserves the place of honor on the bookshelf, and even
more so on the working desk. Yes, on the working desk, just
because this book will guide beginners (and not only beginners)
to the world of economics, free markets and financial relations.
I consider that if „The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible“ or the
situations discussed in the book would be taught in schools, the
real world around us would have moved forward several years. All
this would be a prerequisite for the introduction of economics as a
subject in schools.
There is amazingly discussed, explained, and analyzed in every
single case that occurs with the existence or restriction of a free
Understandable language, the great skills of analysis and
communication with the readers, accurate points, an extraordinary
talent for translating contemporary economic problems into fiction
and detailed or general description of ways to solve those
problems. Because of these certain reasons „The Adventure of
Jonathan Gulluble“ became a well-known and appreciated book in
different layers of society.
This book is about a young man, who finds himself on a foreign
land. He faces many economical failures and problems on a daily
basis. We face new situations and new problems in every new
chapter, which is followed by an author’s analysis: what caused
these problems and how to solve them. All this not only sounds
simple, it is also simply conveyed. But besides this simplicity,
there stands a huge measure of knowledge, experience, and
talent which the reader will easily see.
For the young people who are interested in the fields of
economics and finance the book „The Adventure of Jonathan
Gullible“ will be an amazing guide to economical processes. All
economic and financial issues are so well explained in the book
that it is impossible for a person not to know more after reading it
than before reading it, which, as you know, is the main purpose of
Luka Kakhidze,