Spain and Afghanistan, Summer 2023
Liberty International World Conference The LIWC was held August 16-19 in Madrid, Spain. I was present for the premier viewing of the...

Provide Feedback on Jonathan Gullible Cartoon Series
Join our Jury for the Jonathan Gullible Cartoon Series to provide feedback on development. Click on the picture below:

JG Essay by Nini Sirbiladze
“Gullibleland “– the Imaginary Reality By Nini Sirbiladze, Tbilisi State University. July 30, 2023 The island that Ken Schoolland’s...

Free Market Academy in Mongolia
Li and I recently traveled to Mongolia for the Free Market Academy sponsored by Enkhchimeg Davaanyam, Khaliunbat Myanmarjav, and their...

Teaching Economics with Humor...see Chapter 9
Kishore Vaidya of the University of Canberra, Australia, has edited a book about the use of humor in education about business and...

Impact of Jonathan Gullible
Professor Schoolland, my name is Alex Ooley. I am a relatively young attorney in southern Indiana, and I recently started a podcast...

John Mugabe & ALED: The Heart of Liberty in Uganda
By Ken Schoolland, March 2023 John and Shivan Mugabe , founders of Action for Liberty & Economic Development (ALED), invited Kenli and me...

New Mongolian Kids Edition Before the Warning
Oyunchimeg Bayarsaikhan, Founder & EIC, NepkoKids Children's Book Publishing in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia www.nepkokids.mn; www.nepko.mn is...

Jonathan Gullible Penetrates the Terrible Taliban Cage
Hello. I am an Afghan girl from Afghanistan, a painful and bloody country. I read your book and it was very enjoyable for me because it...

A Review of The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible rom Tbilisi, Georgia
The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible Reviewed by Luka Kakhidze, 29th Public School, Tbilisi, Georgia Ken Schoolland;s book „The Adventures...