We have got big news to share with you !

In recent years, social media has been flooded with reports of Gen Z shifting towards socialism and rebelling against the rich and capitalism. While they believe in some form of liberty, their means of achieving it are far from free-market ideas.
Several thinkers have conveyed impactful messages through stories: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand conceptualized her Objectivist philosophy, and 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell transmitted the atrocities of socialism. So the question arises: how can we convey free-market ideas in an engaging way?
Recognizing the immense power of storytelling, Liberty International has embarked on a mission to transform “The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible“ into an animated series where the philosophy of individual liberty and free-market ideas emerge organically from the interactions in the story.
To bring the book’s characters to life, Liberty International enlisted some of the most influential libertarian voices:

Some of them got together and discussed the upcoming series in a panel at the Anthem Film Festival at Freedom Fest. After the panel, the attendees got a great sneak peek of the series!

Besides, Austin Petersen, who voiced the main character, also had the opportunity to interview Ken Schoolland on his show “Wake Up America.”

The author also talked about this upcoming series with Ernest Hancock on the “Declare your Independence“ podcast.

Excitement is building as Season 1 of The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible Animation Series is set to launch on September 5th on Free to Choose Network’s Youtube Channel. Remember to subscribe to the channel and turn on the notifications!

In the meantime, check out the trailer:

And if you want to take a look at behind the scenes, watch how an episode is created:

Whether you are a parent, educator, or liberty enthusiast, this series is set to become a powerful tool for introducing young audiences to vital ideas and principles. Join Liberty International on this adventure and discover how profound ideas can indeed be fun and enjoyable for all ages!